Investing In An MRI Machine; Make Sure To Have MRI Compatibles

MRI Compatibles

MRI Compatibles

What Does One Mean By MRI Compatibles?

A MRI machine performs its functions by utilizing strong magnetic waves to create images on screen for specialist to study and provide the necessary strategy to take in the care and treatment of the patient.

Due to the magnetic waves utilized in the process, there is a need for MRI Compatible equipment’s used in the examination room.

Basically, it means, no items used in the room should be attracted to magnetic waves as this may cause interventions in the examination process and cause for errors in the report.

Thus, before an MRI scans, even patients are asked to inform for any metal implants in their body so as to not cause any risk of intervention which could the patient.


How To Understand What Is MRI Compatibles?

To ascertain if an equipment is MRI compatible one must first analyses

1. If the equipment in question is made of a metal that is nonferrous or nonferromagnetic: common examples of nonferromagnetic metals include titanium, aluminum, brass, copper, bronze and aluminum bronze alloy. The most commonly used metal in the manufacture of nonferromagnetic tools is titanium thanks to its attributes that makes it light and strong while being nonmagnetic. However, it can be quite an expensive investment.

2. Nonmagnetic: another attribute of metals that can be used inside an MRI machine room is it should be nonmagnetic aside. The above-mentioned titanium is also nonmagnetic.

3. For equipment’s that are nonmetallic in composition one must ensure it is MRI safe: wheel chairs, glass, plastics or Teflon all come under non metallic objects that finds function inside an MRI room. They are required however to be non-interfering in an MRI exam; this is ensured by using equipment’s that are scaled under a standard like the Moh’s scale.

Aside from this, it is quite difficult at times to ascertain which tools available is MRI compatible, thus experts are often advised to always check if their tools are MRI safe or the metal tools are in fact nonmagnetic. This is because despite titanium being nonferromagnetic. It is quite difficult to ascertain if the tool in question is titanium with the naked eye.


Developers have developed several equipments that are MRI safe however as a rule, experts are always recommended to always triple check their equipment’s before an examination. MRI machines utilized very strong magnetic waves in their examination of patients and having an interfering object may cause inconvenience and extend the already long duration of the examination while also running the risk of possible errors in the MRI examination reports.